I ask myself, "do we need church"? Then I watch the news on television and hear of wars, drugs, violence, robbery and murders. Yes, even in Devizes. We may not be involved in any of those activities but we are again reminded of God’s word. We have all done things that are wrong and fallen short of the glory of God. When we do mess up we may miss out on the many blessings He plans for us.
Yes, we do need church and God’s teachings! I am now one of the "golden oldies" and this can be a trial but is also a very wonderful blessing. When you are old you look back on life’s experiences and count your many blessings. Even as I look back in time and remember certain times which I considered as bad let downs, I look anew and see God at work changing my direction in life and turning such times into a blessing.
In my life, when I count God’s blessings, my mind goes back to Glasgow, Cheshire and Wiltshire and I think of very many people who taught me from the Word of God and I appreciate all this brought to my life; Sunday School leaders, Bible Class leaders, church leaders, Boys Brigade and the Covenanter Union. Business life also, with the Holy Spirit as my guide and protector.
As Christians we also have our down times, but this helps us to be stronger and more aware of God’s blessings throughout life and at my age that takes a lot of time to count. Yes, God is good and faithful!
Maureen and I have been attending Sheep Street Baptist Church since 1989 and we have experienced many blessings whilst worshipping here and, as in life, we have experienced down times, but God is a loving and consistent God. I knew that word would come out...CONSISTANCY.
This should be a must in our Christian lives!
In closing may I quote one of my favourite verses from the Bible, which I remind myself of regularly; I took it with me at interviews in business life.
Proverbs chapter 3, verses 5 and 6:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will
direct your path
David Lindsay