Life Together - Acts 19:1-20
Life Together - Acts 19:21-41
Followed by Pot Luck Lunch
A quiet shared space, where it's OK not to be OK. A Café-style space at Sheep Street Baptist Church Hall.
Every Thursday 10.00am to 12.15pm
Everything is Free
Whatever your mood, whether you're feeling stressed or calm and composed, come in and escape life's hustle and bustle for a while, and relax in our QUIET SPACE.
A fortnightly group for Years 10 -13.
We'll start with food...
then some games...
before exploring what it means to follow Jesus.
Little Lambs Parent & Toddler group is a friendly place for parents, carers and grandparents to bring their babies and pre school children. We have lots of activities for little ones to keep them busy and have fun. A hot drink and an opportunity to chat and meet others is available for adults and a mid morning fruit snack is provided for the children. £1.50 per session suggested contribution.
We meet every Tuesday during term time from 10am until 11.30am.
You will be sure of a very warm welcome.
If you would like more information email Rachel on
We are a friendly, informal church in the market town of Devizes in Wiltshire who want to follow the way of Jesus together. You are very welcome.
Sheep Street Baptist Church
Sheep Street
SN10 1DJ
Office Telephone: 01380 727763
Office Email:
Minister: Wes Poirot
Contact Details: 07767 774818
During college time, Wes works for the church on Sunday,
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
You can find us on Sheep Street opposite the Public Library. There is no church car park. Public free parking for 2 hours Monday to Saturday is available in Sheep Street. A Public Car Park within 50 yards (under the arch) - Pay & Display. Unfortunately a parking charge has now been introduced by Wiltshire Council on Sundays. Entrance to the Office is via the side entrance down the path to the right of the church building.
We are not a registered Charity, but as members of the Baptist Union of Great Britain we are an "excepted charity", meaning that we do not at present have to register with the Charity Commision. Nonetheless we operate within the Charity Commission guidelines, and our accounts are independently examined by chartered accountants annually. We are registered with the HM Revenue and Customs for claiming Gift Aid.