Wes Poirot - A Short Introduction

Prior to joining Sheep Street Baptist Church in August 2021, I was a teacher for almost twenty years and a paid church youth worker for five. I am presently completing a parttime MA in Theology, Mission and Ministry.  My role is to help ‘equip his people for works of service’ (Ephesians 4:12). We are one body and we all have a part to play in Kingdom work.

Sheep Street is a growing community of Jesus followers and, if you visit us, I am confident that you will experience a warm, loving group of people. We’re not perfect by any means but we do want to love God and play our part in furthering His lifegiving kingdom.

I am married to Elaine and have two daughters. In my spare time I enjoy reading, running and drinking (decent) coffee.

Contact Details: 07767 774818   minister@sheepstreet.org.uk

During college time I work for the church on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.