Services FAQ

Services at Sheep Street Baptist Church at present.  

We meet for worship on Sundays 10.30am and provide a children’s programme during these services. We celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of the month. On the second Sunday of the month we have an informal café-style service.

What happens at your services?

While there are specific things we do at special times of the year (like Christmas or Easter), all our services tend to include the following:

  • We sing together a variety of songs, from the contemporary to the traditional (led by our music group)
  • We have a time of prayer
  • We have a short(!) time for church announcements
  • We hear the Bible read to us, and then explained in a talk (lasting 15 - 30 minutes)
  • Every first Sunday of the month we share Communion

After the service, there is the chance to pray in confidence with a member of our team or to meet others for refreshments.

How long is the service?

The service normally stretches to about an hour and fifteen minutes maximum. 

Do you collect money during the service?

We do not have a collection, but we welcome an offering, which you can place in the red bags, if you can afford it.  We believe that giving our money to God's work in this Church is an act of worship. If you are not a regular attender of the church, please don't feel pressured into putting anything into the red offering bags.

Will I be asked to do anything during the service?

No, nothing to fear! Whilst a number of people from the congregation play an active role in our services, we want Sheep Street to be as safe and as unthreatening a place as possible, so you will never be asked to do anything you do not want to do.

Can I bring my children?

Certainly! Children's ministry is an essential part of our work at Sheep Street.  Apart from the monthly All Age services, we have a junior church for all children. All volunteers working with children have a current DBS (formerly CRB) certificate and we adhere to an up-to-date child protection policy.

What is the dress code?

The simple answer is, there is no dress code - we want you to feel comfortable, so just come as you are!

Can I park at the church?

We don’t have any car parking available.  However, there are spaces either right outside the church on Sheep Street or in the car park close by under the arches. Unfortunately a parking charge of £1 has now been introduced by Wiltshire Council on Sundays.

Do you have provision for the hard of hearing or partially sighted?

It is important to us that everyone feels welcome at Sheep Street and that our services and activities are as accessible as possible. To help with this we try to ensure that all our projected content uses colour schemes and font sizes, which are helpful for the partially sighted. For the hard of hearing we operate a loop system. 

How do I get involved?

There are all sorts of ways to get involved at Sheep Street, whether it is participating in a Life Group, or assisting in the various activities run by the church. If you have an idea of what you would like to do, get in touch with one of the Leadership Team or the Administrator to have a chat about how you can get involved.